My Tool Shed
As my semester winds down, I would like to take an opportunity to catalog the tools I found most useful and reflect on how this course has had an impact on me. During this course, I became familiar with using sites like Indeed and LinkedIn for job-hunting purposes. Tools like Prezi and Blogspot unlocked a creative side of me and allowed to communicate professional information in a new way! Padlet is also one of my favorite communication tools in school because it allows for easy sharing of ideas and the ability to respond directly to peers. I have worked as a nanny for years now so I have been deprived of having to work in a professional environment and I have never dealt with direct management or oversight. I have also never had to deal with coworkers and I haven't had to collaborate with peers in quite some time. As graduation looms in the horizon, I must face the fact that in a few years, I will be working in a very structured environment and will have to adapt to those c...